Friday, August 8, 2014


That's the name of the stop I live near. I'm starting to memorize them...this was going to be a nice post but the moths and bugs are attracted to light sources and keep flying at my head and I hate it so it'll be brief.

I walked to town/rehearsal today, which was nice - it was just glorious out all day.  After rehearsal (we finally finished the piece!) a group of us walked to the beach, and I decided to catch the bus home to get my swimsuit...and after a series of mishaps, I made it back, only to find the group was leaving due to the immense dark clouds gathering and climbing over Mt. Pilatus. We split up to find food, and I went with the lovely Meghan over to the old town to the Rathaus.
As it was packed, we wandered around until it started to rain and then ended up at the old faithful Bahnhof for food. It was a good time - except when we were kicked off of the table we were seated at because whoops it was part of a "restaurant", though it is marked as a take-away place. Our bad.

Came home and have been trying to be productive - organizing Q repertoire for this season, trolling facebook for the latest news on the building collapse down the street from our apt. building, killing moths with the very hot halogen bulb in the floor lamp. It's been low-key there's a burning smell. Ew.

A bit of fun though - I may get to explore Zürich on Sunday with my soundSCAPE housemate Chelsea. We'll see!

One more rehearsal 'til the real Frei Tag!

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