Saturday, August 9, 2014


I didn't bring an umbrella with, as I hate carrying things around when it's not absolutely necessary.

Fortunately for me, the rain held off until after I got home, so all is well!

Another day, another rehearsal. I downloaded (thank you, IMSLP) some Fibich and Grieg lyric pieces today, in order to humble myself at the piano by sightreading though I cheated by skipping the fast ones. After a very long week of rehearsals singing high and quiet and loud and high and all manner of non-vibrato, my voice needed a break. My mind, however, needed its daily exercise, so it was a welcome practice session.  I still have some, um, work to do.

It was a nice lazy afternoon, as the sopranos are doing so well we were released early. I went home to get swimming stuff, but faced with the reality that solo, I'd have to leave my bus ticket/towel/underthings unattended on shore. . .I decided to wait 'til there's a group to swim. Instead, I caught up on email, and got prettied up to go get beer at the Rathaus local brewery!

Before going to the Rathaus, I decided to try to find the Löwenplatz - the (as I found it to be) enormous sculpture of a wounded lion, carved into a rock face in the old part of Luzern. It is a commemoration of the Swiss Guardsmen who died around August 10, 1792 during a battle of the French Revolution (I wasn't aware it was the anniversary tomorrow. . .222 years). It is so huge, and surrounded by a peaceful pond (near some touristy shops).  Tonight, it was also host to a live hip hop duo, rapping in German(?Swiss?) I made my way quickly back to the Rathaus, as crowds with beer in plastic cups isn't generally my thing.

I got to meet a bunch more of the men of the choral ensemble - it was a lovely evening of too much food and beer and cameraderie. . .we ended up at the lake bar near the KKL, which was full of people and still fun, but I saw the distant flashes of lightning and since my commute is far, I thought it would be best to leave. I was right!

Side note - I love getting to leave the windows open all the time, even if it means the moths and mosquitos are my evening friends.

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